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30% would take lower-paid job to guarantee remote work – survey

By May 31, 2022No Comments

Almost one third of workers would change jobs – even if it means a pay cut – if their remote working preferences are not facilitated, according to the third annual National Remote Working Survey.

37% of respondents said they would change jobs for remote working, even if it meant fewer promotion opportunities.

30% also indicated that they will change job even if it means a pay cut, with 33% saying “maybe”.

Overall, the study found that 95% of people believe working remotely has made life easier.

Of those who could work remotely, 52% were currently working hybrid, 40% were fully remote and only 8% were fully on-site.

Almost half of respondents, 49%, said they work more hours while remote working, compared to working on-site, with 45% saying they work the same hours.

Researchers from the Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway and the Western Development Commission gathered responses from more than 8,400 employees, in late April and early May, on their current experience of remote working.

Professor Alma McCarthy of NUI Galway said this year’s survey contained a new module asking if remote working was a key factor in changing jobs.

“It is interesting to see that of those who changed employer since the outbreak of Covid-19, nearly half, 47%, indicated that remote working was a key factor in their decision to change employer,” she said.

Tomás Ó Síocháin of the Western Development Commission, andProfessor Alma McCarthy of NUI Galway (Image: Aengus McMahon)

50% of respondents said their organisation has confirmed how they will work in the future, and of those, 61% indicated that they will work hybrid, 30% will work completely remotely and only 9% will work fully on-site.

Tomás Ó Síocháin, Chief Executive of the Western Development Commission, said that the findings of the national survey indicated that Irish workers expect to continue working remotely either all of the time or to find a balance in line with their lifestyle.

“Leaders will now be challenged to look at ways of supporting their staff and find that balance to avoid retention issues,” he said.

Minister for Rural and Community Affairs Heather Humphreys said the survey findings would be used by the Government to help enable it to make the right decisions in the area of remote working.

“The Government’s Rural Development Policy, Our Rural Future, clearly recognises the vital role that remote working can play in achieving balanced regional development. At a time when there are labour market shortages, remote working can help companies attract and retain talent,” she said.

Article Source – 30% would take lower paid job to guarantee remote work – survey – Brian O’Donovan – RTE

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