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Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme for all businesses comes to an end

By May 31, 2022No Comments

The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) ends today for all businesses.

In February, most employers moved to a reduced weekly rate of support before the payments were phased out in March and April.

Businesses directly impacted by Covid-19 restrictions in December 2021, including many in the hospitality sector, were eligible to continue receiving support under the scheme until today.

Wage subsidy schemes, the EWSS or its predecessor, the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS), have been in place for over two years, since March 2020.

The total level of support provided to date by the wage subsidy schemes is €10.6 billion.

The EWSS accounts for €7.8 billion of that figure, comprising direct subsidy payments of €6.8 billion and PRSI forgone of over €1 billion.

The EWSS supported 51,900 employers in respect of almost 744,000 employees.

“Today marks the end of the very successful Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme,” said Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe.

“The wage subsidy schemes played a crucial role in preserving employment and incomes and supporting businesses at a very challenging time during the pandemic.”

According to provisional statistics published by Revenue last week, 4,000 employers were registered for EWSS and as of 26 May, 3,600 businesses were in receipt of the payments.

Article Source – Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme for all businesses comes to an end – Brian O’Donovan – RTE

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